
&studio etiquette

Thank you for choosing to practice at Headwaters Hot Yoga. We value your loyalty and dedication to your yoga practice. As we focus on both the mind and body, we strive to maintain a peaceful and positive environment.

  • Students must check in at the front desk before entering changing rooms.

  • Students will not be permitted into class late.

  • Studio doors open 30 minutes before class. *6:30 am class doors open 15 minutes before class

  • Students must wear appropriate yoga clothing. See studio policies below.

  • Keep shower duration to 3 minutes or less.

  • Lost and found items will be held for one month as a courtesy.

  • The studio is locked when class starts, so make sure you get here on time.

policies and GUIDELINES


Studio doors lock and classes start on time. No late entry is allowed. If you have never been to the studio before give yourself 30 mins to find the right location. Often finding us for the first time is the biggest obstacle. Students unable to attend class may be subject to our cancellation policy. *ClassPass users are subject to the ClassPass cancellation policy, not ours.


Reoccurring monthly membership

There is no minimum commitment, to cancel give 30 days' notice in writing here. Please note: we always reply with confirmation within 48 hours. If you don't hear back from us, we did not receive your email. Please check your junk mail.

Class Attendance

All classes start on time.  No late entry allowed.  

Your Punch Card or Drop In will not be charged for a missed class.

 No Shows

All No-Shows will be charged a $15 fee. This fee will be automatically charged to the payment method on file.

*All ClassPass users are subject to the ClassPass cancellation policy, not ours*

Late Cancellation Policy

Any cancellation that is less than 2 hours before a class start time or after 8pm the night before for all weekday 6:30am and weekend 8am & 9:30am classes is considered a late cancellation (“Late Cancel”).

All Late Cancellations are subject to a $15 fee dependent on class roster size. These fees will be processed on a case by case basis.


the use of abusive language at any time inside the studio will be grounds for membership termination.

Abusive language will be defined as:

the uttering of any words or behavior inciting hate, ridicule, or contempt towards any person, sex or group, race, religion, political affiliation.  

Racial or sexual slurs, sexual comments, shouting, obscene gesturing, intentionally exposing genitals when not in changing areas/bathrooms will not be tolerated.


We do not allow any personal items such as purses, cellphones, etc. into the hot room. Please plan accordingly. Studio doors are locked during class but our dressing rooms do not have secure lockers for valuable items. Headwaters Hot Yoga can not be held responsible for loss of personal property.


Please keep your body and feet clean when attending class. Please do not attend class with open wounds. No perfume (as some students are highly sensitive and/or allergic). Please clean up after yourself. The Laundry bin is located at the Mat wash station. Please use the recycling bin for plastic bottles and cans.


Male & Female changing rooms and public bathrooms are available. each bathroom has 2 showers. No toiletries are provided by the studio. Please bring your own products and take them with you. No hair-dyers provided. Please limit shower time to 3 minutes.

hot room apparel

Wear sweat-wicking athletic clothing that you are comfortable sweating in. no boxer shorts/briefs, underwear, or swimsuits, please. Clothing must cover genitalia, including feminine presenting breast tissue, at all times. No shoes or socks.


If you want a warmer or cooler spot, please ask the instructor where to go. Students are not permitted to touch any of the heating equipment, humidifiers, fans, or windows. Read our class descriptions to see what temperature each class type is set at.


Absolutely no cell phones whatsoever allowed inside the hot room. Please silence your phone when in the studio.


Please consult your doctor before taking classes.


Any comments or questions should be directed here.


We would like to inform you of some general yoga etiquette practices.

Please do not wear perfume or any scent. People with allergies can be very sensitive to perfumes. If possible, bathe prior to your practice.

Enter the yoga room in silence. Please do not enter and start visiting. Go right into meditation or stretching. Your practice starts when you walk in. Visit with one another after exiting the class. Please do not block another person’s view of the mirror.

Silence cell phone upon entering the studio. Never bring a cellular phone inside the hot room.

Remove street shoes upon entering the studio. Leave inside the front door or store in dressing room during class. No shoes or socks allowed in the hot room.

Stay in the room during class, except in the event of an emergency, in which case, alert the teacher that you need to leave so that they do not try to stop you, and so they can assist you in any way necessary. Your safety is top-priority for us.

Rest whenever you need to. Rest is a part of the practice, even the most experienced yogis rest sometimes. Rest regulates our nervous system so we can absorb the most benefits of the practice. During standing postures take a seat on your mat(head above your heart to prevent dizziness). Floor postures lie down in savasana.

Drinking water. Some of our classes have a water break 15 minutes in some have no designated water break. Be mindful of others and drink water between postures to limit distractions. If you come to class well-hydrated, you will not need to drink a lot of water during class. Make sure you replenish your electrolytes after practicing.

Posture modifications. Some classes allow for more posture modification and prop use than others. These details will be noted in class descriptions. Please be aware of what type of class you are taking.

Practice karma yoga, respect the entire room. Always bring the best and most generous attitude to your practice. Try not to distract people around you in any way. Be as still as possible, and keep bringing your attention back to yourself in the present moment, breathing slowly and relaxed. Move with the exact timing of the teacher. This builds common energy in the room.

Leaving the room early. Please inform the instructor if you need to leave early(on call for your job etc) and set up your mat as close to the door as possible to minimize distracting other students.