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LOOKING FOR less heat & more recovery?

Do you want to slow down durning your day?

warm yoga punch card

Headwaters hot yoga offers warm yoga & sculpt classes to help you relax and build foundational strength

  • Yin yoga is a slower-paced class bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done seated or lying down and held for 3-5 minutes.

    This class is a great compliment for people that tend to go go go, a time to quiet the mind and focus inward. You will leave feeling refueled and restored.

    created for all levels

    comfortable 85°f room

    Props are provided

  • a gentle, slow, still style of yoga that involves long, passive holds in a series of restful poses. Yogis are often supported by props to enhance or deepen their experience and achieve a state of total relaxation and release.

    all levels will benefit from a rejuvenating restorative yoga class. It’s one of the best ways to counter a fast-paced, stressed-out life off the mat.

    Restorative yoga helps balance the mind and body, relieve tension and anxiety, stretch deep fascia, increase flexibility and pave the way for meditation.

    comfortable 85°f room

    Props provided

  • Build strength with therapeutic exercises. Use weights & resistance bands in this slower paced class. Building mobility and strength by focusing on intentional movement and full body exercises.

    This is a great class to start your fitness journey.

    Foundational strength training & Ghosh Therapeutic Yoga exercises.

    Created for all levels

    Room temp at 85°f

Now you can attend these warm classes for less money!!

5 Classes for $50 - warm yoga punch card

This offer is only valid for Yin, Restorative and Yoga Sculpt Classes.

3 month expiration from first use

Incredible, Incredible, Incredible. This Studio changed my life. i cannot express the amount of Gratitude i have for everyone here. -Sarah

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  • Our Warm classes are keep around 85°F so the room is cozy but not hot and sweaty.

  • Yes! These class are great for everyone. Our Yoga Sculpt class uses physical therapy inspired movements to build strength gradually and safely.

  • Yes. We have 2 showers in each public bathroom. We have changing rooms and cubbies for your stuff. We do not provide lockers, please leave valuable items at home.

  • Wear comfortable athletic clothing that allows for your body to move or relax easily.

    We have blocks, bolster, blankets and straps for up to 20 people.

    You are always welcome to bring your own blocks and bolsters.

Warm Yoga and Sculpt classes to help you relax & build strength in in your mind and body

Warm Yoga PUnch card

$50 5 classes warm yoga punch card

only Valid for Yin, restorative and yoga sculpt classes

3 month expirations from first use